Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The end and the beginning


The Whole30 is over and I did it!  I made it through the month and I want to shout it to the world!

I unfortunately did not finish strong.  This is picture week at the dance school where I work and trying to have any food for dinner has been impossible because it's non stop moving people and getting them changed and selling tights and selling shoes..... Last night I got to eat a banana and then came home and there was nothing prepared so I ate coconut, raisins, and nuts.  Not the best, but not the worst.

So, what did the Whole30 teach me?  How do I apply this to my life and my family's life in a positive way?

     1)  I need to eat a big, protein filled breakfast.  When I do that, I eat way less during the day, and I don't crave anything sweet.

     2)  I need to be more organized and prepare food to have on hand for nights like last night.  

     3)  We actually save money eating this way because we're not buying junk or eating out.

     4)  I am way more productive when I'm not having a nightly glass of wine.

     5)  I'm a pretty badass middle aged mom. :)

I'm not planning on reintroducing any new foods immediately.  We have this health risk assessment at Mr. Helen's company in a couple of weeks.  Plus, I feel so good, I don't want it to end!!  If and when I do try something that was on the no list, I will let you know.


Today begins the next challenge!  And it is the Love Your Greens 30 day challenge.....ta da!!!!

For the next 30 days, I will have a green smoothie each day, and just eating more greens overall.  Also, I am to try at least one new green this month.  This challenge came to me via The Unconventional Kitchen via 100 Days of Real Food.  I am joining some people from across the country who will be incorporating more greens into our diets this month.

I do love greens and we eat them often.  I think the only green I haven't had are beet greens.  Oh, and dandelion greens.  Kale, chard, spinach, and bok choy are some of my favorites, and I've had mustard and collards.

Recipes for the smoothies come in my email every morning.  I can have the smoothies at any time of the day, so I'm probably either going to do mine for lunch or dinner.  Remember lesson number one from the last challenge?  I need that protein for breakfast!!!

In addition to the Love Your Greens challenge, I'm also doing the Squat Challenge.  It's just a series of squats every day.  I'm running a half marathon at the end of the month and I'm hoping this helps my running.  It's a two-fer month!

So join me now as I turn my family green and squat my way to better running.


  1. jump squats definitely helped with my running! (and walking lunges).

  2. Thanks for the inspiration, Elizabeth! I will try the jump squats for some of them reps....probably not 240 jump squats, though. :)
