Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 3 - Love Your Greens!!

Day 3  - Orange Green Smoothie

So, I get an email every day with my green smoothie recipe in it and that is the smoothie of the day for me.  I had neglected to pick up a couple of the items on my list the other day, so I had to have the same smoothie two days in a row.  Not a big deal, of course, but I already feel like I failed this challenge!  Today's smoothie has an orange in it.  I've never put an orange in my smoothie, and I'm just wondering what the color is going to be like.

I'm definitely getting some protein powder for the smoothies today.  I'll have to see if I can find some pea powder so it's paleo approved.  I need more protein in my meals that I'm getting in the smoothie and I had a headache all day yesterday which I believe was from lack of protein.  When I ate dinner, I felt so much better.  My body must have adjusted to more protein last month and now I'm craving it.

The squats aren't really kicking in yet.  I think because I do so much yoga and run, my legs are pretty strong and I haven't felt any difference.  Yesterday was 55 and I'm not sure how many are today.  I did a 100 squats a day challenge a couple of years ago and that wasn't too bad.  I really tried to mix that one up with different types of squats and by the end of the month, I could knock out 100 squats like they were nothing.

After two beautiful days of warm temps and sun, we are back to rain and having the heat on.  The high today is supposed to be 49....on May 3!!!  Yikes!!  I am soooooooo ready for this weather to be a distant memory.  I think the feeling I had being out and about those two days must be similar to what it feels like to get out of prison.  I had a 6 mile run and worked in my garden and got a sunburn.  And I washed my sheets and hung them on the line to dry....heaven!  Now we're hauling out the winter coats. At least it's not snow.....if we were a little farther north, we would be waking up to snow on the ground and I would be on a plane, heading for the sun and some fruity drinks.  My drink wouldn't be a smoothie, but would probably contain something orange....:)

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