Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 25

Day 25 - And the sun continues to shine

Thankfully the sun is out again today and is supposed to continue to shine for the next several days!  It feels as if we all got pardoned and can finally relax.

One lesson I've learned this past month is that the weather has a real affect on my hunger and what I want to eat.  It's been a TERRIBLE month as far as weather goes - so cold and cloudy and rainy.  On the few sunny and warm days that we have had, I haven't been all that hungry or had many food cravings.  On those nasty days, I want to curl up on the couch with food, and I'm not talking about fish and vegetables.

This week I have noticed that I am sleeping less, but sleeping better.  I have been up before my alarm every day and going to bed at pretty much the same time.  I'm not tired at all during the day, and I have tons of energy that I didn't have before.  Last weekend, I noticed that I was waking up much earlier than usual and wasn't feeling like I needed that Sunday nap.

But the best, most fantastic, exciting event of the month happened yesterday when I got dressed for work....I was able to get into a pair of jeans I couldn't wear when the month started.  A smaller size.  And they weren't tight!  Yes, in just 25 days, my body has changed that much.

There are only 5 days left of this challenge and I'm already looking ahead to what my eating habits will be on May 1.  The annual health risk assessment for the insurance at my husband's company is May 17, so I am sticking with the program completely until then, just to see what the changes have been.  After that, I don't know.  I'm feeling so good that I want to keep a majority of the new habits, but I will probably have non-Whole30 treat or meal every now and then.  It's going to happen.  But I'm hoping this month has taught me that I can feel amazing just by making good food choices and that I can get right back on board.

Now, to enjoy that sunshine.....

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