Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 23 - Only one week left!

This is it....the LAST WEEK!!!  Did we really come this far, fellow Rockstars?

Today was a tough day....I'm not gonna lie.  First, it's freezing!  It's like a day in November instead of the end of April.  It's been cloudy, windy, rainy, and in the 30's today and that was very hard to endure after the beautiful sun and 65 yesterday.  Second, I had to chaperon a field trip to the Aldo Leopold Nature Center with all of the third grade at my daughter's school, which included being outside in this cold and riding a bus with all 66 third graders.  I also helped in Lily's class this morning, did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, did a Spinning class at 5:30 this morning, and worked.  I'm exhausted.

And I was HUNGRY this afternoon!  I may turn orange from all of the carrots I have eaten.

So, the lesson for today is that I need to eat more slowly.  Usually, this isn't really a problem for me, but I had to eat my breakfast really quickly to get my girl to school on time and after my class and shower, and then we had very little time to eat after the field trip.  I felt like I didn't even taste anything and it was just unpleasant.  It actually made me kind of angry!

Also, the importance of early week preparation really hit home.  I was so busy that I didn't have much time to cook today, but that was OK because I had a pot of chili in the fridge that I made up on Sunday.  All I had to do was heat it up and dinner was ready!!!  Yay for being prepared!!

This was some really delicious, filling chili and perfect for this raw, cold day.  It is made with ground lamb, so the flavor is very different, but really warming.  I found it on the Foodee Project website, but it's from a site called The Paleo Periodical.  If you are looking for something different, give it a try!!

One week from tomorrow, I'm going to have a glass of wine.  Just one, and then that is it for a while, but I really want one perfect, glorious, delicious glass of red wine!

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